Sunday, June 21, 2009

My rice cake addiction has taken a turn for the worse!

Apparently when you eat waaaayyyyy too much fiber in the form of a rice cake it does not allow your body to absorb any of the nutrients from the other food that you are eating and your body starts to shut down. NOT FUN at, not only am I not sleeping more than 3 - 4 hours a night (and barely more than 1/2 hour at a single stretch), my body also decided it was done with the rice cake thing. I actually went the whole day yesterday not eating a single rice cake! I also could not raise my head from the pillow but that is beside the point!

I was actually eating very well even with the rice cakes! My body really needed something though as my son was eating a tv dinner consisting of chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and after I took 2 bites my body was in heaven. Unfortunately it was to late for my husband to run to the store so I settled for healthy salisbury steak soup. Not really the same and I suffered for it the next day. What did I have for dinner last night? Two, count 'em, two Whoppers with cheese and large fries. I haven't eaten anything like that in over a month and it was great! I felt so much better for a bit.

I am going to try very hard to stop eating the rice cakes...I will miss them and have two full packages and one half of another. Sigh...

I have a decision to make. I am training for the 5 Mile run in Westport on the 8th of August. Someone I used to work with at the CU texted me on Thursday to see if I could perform her wedding. I asked her the date afraid that she was going to say the 15th which is when we are planning to go to Silverwood in Idaho but she didn't...she said the 8th. I told her that the run starts at 10:30 and I know it will take me a few hours, maybe less, and she told me it is at 4:00. I asked her where and she told me a place in Aberdeen. I didn't respond back yet as I had to give this some thought. I am training for this run that I am looking so much forward inspired me to start taking care of myself (OK, not with rice cakes but with the running) and I was hoping to meet some people and just hang out and do things that runners do after a race. I have no idea what that is, just that I am going to be there. My son and husband are going to be there cheering me on. Sigh...I probably could be done and home in time to shower change and head back into town but what if I am not? I would feel terrible and I would never be so gauche to ask her to move her wedding to a later time. Wedding venues don't like change and neither do brides.

When we last discussed her wedding over 8 months ago a relative was going to do it...would it be selfish of me to say no? What if I am done in plenty of time and had said no...I would feel terrible! I definitely have some thinking to do!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back again!

Time is flying by so fast and I am focusing so much on my training that I keep neglecting this blog!

Today is my niece's 8th birthday and she got a ton of Hannah Montana stuff from us and her parents. They also got her a baseball and bat, plastic, and she is outside having a grand ol' time.

The last day of school is tomorrow. I am lucky that the girls go to daycare as I need to find a job soon! I used to work for the US Census but the jobs are in phases and I am not a part of the current phase and the next one isn't until September.

Jobs, as you know, are scarce these days. I am very fortunate that I do get unemployment but finding 3 contacts a week can be tough but I keep doing it!

Boring blog today, I know, but I expended all my creative energy writing my other one, Check it out!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My sis-in-law is due any day!

I got a call from my brother and my sis-in-law is dilated to 3 cm. She wasn't due until July 4th. How exciting! I am going to head into town later and see if I can find her a stroller car seat combo in pink, of course!

I will be an aunt for real! My nieces, who live with me are actually my first cousins. I thought I was going to be the only one of the 4 of us that was going to have a child. I am very excited for my brother as they thought they were not going to be able to have kids.

Don't forget to check me out and my progress training for the 5 Mile run in Westport on my sister blog:!

See ya!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fair weather friend?

My husband and I have friends who are a couple. We don't speak much and I don't visit much so I guess they are more my husband's friends then mine. When I do talk to her, I find that she likes telling me what is going on in her life but the second I mention anything about mine, she claims to have another call...without fail.

I will give you an example:

I had water intoxication almost a year ago from drinking waaaayyyyy too much water. She has been working out lately and has increased her water consumption to the point that she is suffering the symptoms that I did. She texted me last week to ask me what they were and I let her know and stressed that she should get a blood test to be safe. I also texted her a recipe for a healthy sports drink that I have been using while training for the 5 mile race as seen on

So I get a phone call today to let me know that she liked the recipe and that she did go to the doctor's to get the test. She has been drinking the healthy drink so he said that the test may not show results accurately. He also told her that her carbs are low. I am thrilled that she is OK and let her know that. She also let me know that she was experiencing major leg muscle pains and that would have something to do with her low carbs.

I told her that I am also suffering the same thing due to using a game to train yesterday and doing my run today and no sooner than the words left my mouth, did she pull the 'my other line is ringing'. I reflected on the rare occasions that we talk and realized she does this EACH and EVERY time!

It is not because I am trying to one up her for heavens sake! I am just relating and I cannot help but think that she is not interested at all in my life, sooooo I am thinking that perhaps we should not talk anymore. My husband can go visit them...

ANYTIME I try to discuss events in my life over the phone, she gets another call, and anytime we are together in person, she will either walk away claiming she has a chore to do or change the subject.

So, I have made a more of this and selfish friends need not apply.

OK, off my soap box...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Land of the Lost

My husband, son and I went to see Land of the Lost. I had read a couple of reviews that were not very good. It was neither good nor bad, it was just...feh... I am a Will Ferrell fan and thought he did a good job as he always does. I did not like the character of Chaka and was amazed that in this day and age movie makers still think we need this groping chauvinistic character and that it is entertaining. It's's ridiculous and insulting...and it takes a lot to insult me...

My husband was annoyed at some woman that was laughing loudly throughout the movie. He claims she was not laughing at anything funny but I think it is because she kept waking him up.

I have decided to make my "The Secret" plan is to get paid, and well, for my writing. What this means to me? I need to start writing some more on this blog! We went grocery shopping yesterday and outside of the store they were having a book sale. The first book I laid eyes on was how to get paid for Magazine writing. Now that's a sign! It is dated 1993 but I can still take away some great tips, right? I also found the Hillary Clinton book, I love her, and a Leslie Sansom book on walking for my husband.

My husband is intending on participating in the 5 Mile run with my son and me but he is about 255 so he needs to start slow and only walk at first. If he keeps it up consistently, he could become a runner. Now to keep my son on board...

I am doing a wedding in Westport on July 4th and she wants a more traditional type of ceremony but still short so I need to work on that today and also creating the medication card for my mother-in-law.

I wrote such a huge amount on my other blog, seekermommyrunning, that I have burned myself out for now. I shall be back with more....=O)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I have been neglecting this blog!

Because I am so focused on training for the 5 mile run in Westport, I have been blogging here: on my training and neglecting this one, which is supposed to be my life.

Alas, I will only be writing just a bit this morning as I have to take my mother-in-law to the doctor's office. After that, I will have tons to write about! Stay tuned!!