Sunday, June 7, 2009

Land of the Lost

My husband, son and I went to see Land of the Lost. I had read a couple of reviews that were not very good. It was neither good nor bad, it was just...feh... I am a Will Ferrell fan and thought he did a good job as he always does. I did not like the character of Chaka and was amazed that in this day and age movie makers still think we need this groping chauvinistic character and that it is entertaining. It's's ridiculous and insulting...and it takes a lot to insult me...

My husband was annoyed at some woman that was laughing loudly throughout the movie. He claims she was not laughing at anything funny but I think it is because she kept waking him up.

I have decided to make my "The Secret" plan is to get paid, and well, for my writing. What this means to me? I need to start writing some more on this blog! We went grocery shopping yesterday and outside of the store they were having a book sale. The first book I laid eyes on was how to get paid for Magazine writing. Now that's a sign! It is dated 1993 but I can still take away some great tips, right? I also found the Hillary Clinton book, I love her, and a Leslie Sansom book on walking for my husband.

My husband is intending on participating in the 5 Mile run with my son and me but he is about 255 so he needs to start slow and only walk at first. If he keeps it up consistently, he could become a runner. Now to keep my son on board...

I am doing a wedding in Westport on July 4th and she wants a more traditional type of ceremony but still short so I need to work on that today and also creating the medication card for my mother-in-law.

I wrote such a huge amount on my other blog, seekermommyrunning, that I have burned myself out for now. I shall be back with more....=O)

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